You may be asking yourself "What is acupuncture"? In a nutshell it is a form of traditional Chinese Medicine in which very small filament like needles are inserted and manipulated into certain points along the meridians of your body to relieve pain, restore balance,and help with a variety of illnesses and difficulties. On the whole, though, it is so much more then that. Here are a few basics: - Different points of the body are stimulated using needles,finger pressure and heat or all three. - Points are located on the meridians, which are channels that carry energy(qi) - This energy flows thru the meridian channels to points in the body. - The merdians correspond to the organ systems of the body. - Excess blockage of energy(qi) in the meridians can result in pain or disease. Balance can be achieved. - Movement of stagnate energy(qi) can stimulate and activate the bodies immune and healing systems. Here is a general list of conditions that can be helped: Chronic Pain Fatigue and Stress Fertility Issues Fibromyalgia Women's Health Issues Headaches Cosmetic Digestive Problems Organs Cold & Flu treatment and prevention Arthritis Allergies General Health & Well-being Need to find an acupuncture practitioner in your area? Check out
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