Macrobiotic Diet for Self Healing
You may never have heard of the Macrobiotic Dietbut this page will help you get a grasp on what it is and how it can help you. The word macrobiotic is rooted in the Greek language and means "long life". It is based on three basic self-healing principles:
#1 - Eat in harmony with nature.
#2 - Balance natural forces in cooking.
#3 - Use food to create desired effects.
On this page we'll discuss the three principles and how you can apply them to your situation. We'll also provide some great and simple recipes that you can try!
We'll share with you our own experiences during the time that we were immersed in the macrobiotic diet and how we still practice some of those same principles in our current diet.
Eating Habits
When I was first introduced to the macrobiotic diet, I wasn't quite sure if it was something that I needed. I felt healthy, maybe a little over my goal weight, but really didn't have any health issues other then maybe some allergies and a little sluggishness. The band was playing a lot and we were all working full time as well, so I decided maybe it would help give me a boost. What I didn't realize was that no matter what kind of health you're in, we can all benefit from this diet's simple principles. After all, our ancestors all over the earth had followed those principles for centuries......whole grains, locally grown produce, beans, small quantities of fish, wild and range fed animals.
Today everything we eat comes out of boxes, our produce is sprayed with pesticides and shipped half-way around the world, and chickens are kept awake artificially and fed with hormones so they are always laying eggs. It's all very convenient, but the real cost is our health!
Once I decided to give the macrobiotic diet a try the first thing I realized that I needed to do was to cut out unnatural eating habits. Since I was already a vegetarian, I had a good head start. Here are some examples of eating habits that are not natural to our diet:
1. Foods filled with sugar , chemicals or fat. This includes junk food and fast food.
2. Large consumption of animal foods. This includes meat, poultry, eggs and dairy.
3. Any kind of food that is processed or frozen.
4. Foods that were shipped from another country.
5. Food that is microwaved.
6. Food that is refined. This includes white sugar or white rice.
7. Foods that are out of season.
Whole Foods
Meals that are based on whole grains and vegetables were the staple foods world-wide long before meat and potatos became the standard meal in most American homes. Of course, groups like the Eskimos had to rely on meat when growing food wasn't practical.
Grain based meals add up to a balanced and healthy diet:
Grains & Vegetables which make up 75-80% of a grain based diet provide complex carbs, fiber, protein, fat, Vitamins A, B, C, E, iron and calcium.
Soup makes up 5%, and provides warmth & stimulation to aid digestion.
Beans, Fish, Occasional Seeds, Nuts, Meat, Eggs and Dairy makes up 5-10% of this diet and provides enough protein and fat + added calcium, iron and B vitamins.
Sea Vegetables, Fruits, and Fermented Foods make up the remaining 5-10% and provide calcium, iron, vitamins, trace minerals, carbs, fiber, vitamins & minerals. In fermented foods like yogurt and miso the live enzymes help to aid digestion.
Here are some general guidelines for the Japanese style macrobiotic diet: Well chewed whole cereal grains, especially brown rice: 4060%
Vegetables: 2530%
Beans and legumes: 510%
Miso soup: 5%
Sea vegetables: 5%
Traditionally or naturally processed foods: 510%
Fish and seafood, nuts and seeds, seasonings, fruits, and beverages may be enjoyed on occasion, about 2-3 times per week.
When we were on our macro journey, the book that really made it so easy was The Self-Healing Cookbook: Whole Foods To Balance Body, Mind and Moods. This book is so simple, easy to follow, informative and has delicious recipes. I highly recommend it if you really want to try the macrobiotic diet but don't know where to start.
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