Organic Weed Control for a Purely Beautiful Yard
Organic weed control is really a simple matter and you'll find that with a little tolerance and some creative thinking, you can have a beautiful yard and garden without having to use chemicals that will not only be harmful to you, but could seep into water run-off and eventually end up in our lakes and rivers.
Where we live in Florida many dolphins have been showing up with horrible lesions on their skin that can be attributed to the toxic pollution that has been running into the river. It breaks our hearts to know that there is such disregard for the lives of all the beautiful creatures on this earth. We don't want to contribute to that injustice and I'm sure you don't either.
Here is a list of simple was to organic weed control:
*Prevention The best way to control weeds is to not have them at all. To achieve that it's really important to provide the best growing conditions for desirable plants. Insects, bad watering and soil that isn't loose contribute to weed growth, but mulching can help you avoid those problems.
*Hand Weeding Once you've created the ideal conditions you can pull any remaining weeds or any strays that happen to pop up.
*Turn Weeds Under Another way to get rid of any remaining offenders would be to gently turn them under with a hoe or anything similar being careful not to harm your crops.
*Barriers Lay plastic around warm loving plants like melons, pumpkins, eggplants or tomatos, or use 1/4 inch layer of newspaper as a barrier. The good thing about newspaper is that it can be turned into the soil in the spring. Be sure to wet it when you're laying it down so it doesn't blow away and when your finished cover it with a layer of straw.
*Live Mulches Try using a low, fast growing crop like thyme to cover the soil surface around the plant.
*Corn Gluten Meal This is good for weeds that haven't come to the surface yet. It's been known to inhibit the growth of dandelions, crabgrass and several other annual weeds.
For more details and great organic weed control tips check out this link:
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